How to beat the heat in your car

It’s one of the times of the year when temperatures start to really soar. Parts of New South Wales are getting up to 40 degrees, and it won’t be uncommon to see people lugging bags of ice around only to have them melted by the time they get home.

Cars can heat up like nothing else.

It’s also a difficult time to drive, unless your air conditioning is something out of this world. We all know how cars can heat up like nothing else, so here are a few tips to keep yourself cool when you’re behind the wheel.

Stay hydrated

Starting with the basics – if you’re driving around on a hot day, make sure to take some bottled water with you. Heat stress can be quite dangerous when you’re on the road. WorkSafe Victoria estimates that a quarter of all crashes are due to fatigue, and heat is listed as a contributing factor to this.

Keep those H20 levels up and keep yourself on the safe side of the mercury.

Plan your trips

Don’t need to drive during peak heat? Then don’t! A spokesperson for Transport NSW said as much in a recent public health announcement regarding ongoing heat waves in the state.

“People should also consider avoiding extreme conditions during the day and keeping their journey to the early morning or early evening,” they stated.

Tackle the dangers of heat in the car when the mercury rises.Tackle the dangers of heat in the car when the mercury rises.

Take breaks

Of course, sometimes you already have a trip planned, or simply need to commute to and from your job – as might be the case for anyone with a vehicle bought through a novated lease. If you simply have to be on the road while it’s hot, make sure to take regular breaks and don’t get overwhelmed.

Empty the car

If you’re stopping for any reason, make sure not to leave anyone, especially pets or kids, in the car. We all know how quickly vehicles can heat up, and you don’t want anyone suffering harm on something as simple as a bathroom break at the petrol station.

You’ll have heard a lot of this before, and with good reason – because it’s very important. Whether it’s a sleek sports car you got through a novated lease or a family-sized van you’re taking on the roads in the heat, it’s so important to make sure everyone is safe.
